Archery Range and 3D Archery Course>>

Unless a public event is scheduled, no guests are permitted at any time.
All other Club Rules for our 3D Archery Course and Archery Range must be followed, no exceptions!
Archery Range
EMSC has a 60 yard practice range for archery that can accommodate up to ten shooters across. The practice range is available to club members from dawn till dusk.
There are four archery classifications:
3D Archery Course
EMSC has a 2-mile 3D Archery Course with 30 targets at anywhere from 15 to 45 yards. We have a variety of shots available, including; Turkey, Boar, Alligator, Deer, Bobcat, Elk, Moose, Bear, etc.
This course is only available for the scheduled 3D Archery Shoots.
The last shoot for 2024 had the most shooters
out of any of our shoots for the year!
Thank you to all of the participants and
to everyone who helped out!
Scott Graham Sr. was the only person
to win a prize this year.
To qualify to win a prize,
please remember to turn in your score cards.
2024 3D Archery Shoot Schedule:
Sundays, April 28, May 12, June 9
July 14, August 11, August 25 & September 15
Links to the 2024 Archery Scores:
Pro, Hunter, Traditional, Youth.
Registration is from 8:00 AM until Noon.
$10 for adults, $5 for youth (ages 11 to 17),
10 and under are free.
*Attend four out of seven shoots to qualify for
"End of Year" prizes.
We welcome Compound, Re-Curve, and Crossbow shooters too!
These shoots are open to the public.
3D Archery Shoot Challenge:
Thank you to everyone who helped out with this shoot and participated in it.
The weather was HOT but everyone had a good time.
Thank you to everyone who helped out and participated in 2023 shoots.
Anthony Migliori won the raffle for the tree stand.
Dave Martell Jr. won a $20.00 gift card in the Hunter category.
Buddy Brocco won a $20.00 gift card in the Traditional category.
No one qualified for the Pro or Youth categories and no one won the jacket.
Thank you to everyone who helped with and participated in the 2022 shoots!
Ben Smith won a jacket for 2022.
Danny Bigley Jr., and Scott Graham Sr. won gift cards.
Thank you to everyone who helped with and participated in the 2021 shoots!​
These shooters won gift cards for their participation and for
having the highest scores in their categories for our 2021 year:
Eric Silbaugh - Pro
Scott Lomack - Hunter
Buddy Brocco - Traditional
Abigail Lomack - Youth
No one qualified for a jacket in 2021.
The 2020 jacket winners are as follows:
Hunter: Jim Piovarchy
Traditional: Scott Graham
Youth: Holly Piovarchy
No one qualified for the Pro Category.