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East Monongahela Sportsmen's Club

5717 Ella Hollow Road

Elizabeth, PA 15037



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                                      Download the EMSC membership application


1. Your application must be fully completed in order to be considered.  If you do not have a sponsor to list on the application, please come to one of our "open to the public" functions to introduce yourself and obtain a sponsor.  As an exception a sponsor may be provided for you.

2. You must come to a members meeting (7:00 PM the last Wednesday of every month) with your completed application and present yourself at this meeting.  If you are unable to print out the membership application one will be provided to you at a public function or at a membership meeting.  NO payment of membership dues is required or will be accepted at this time. 

3. After your initial presentation at a members meeting you will be telephoned, e-mailed, or personally requested, to present yourself at a second future members meeting.  A background check may occur after your initial presentation.

4. During this second members meeting and after your second presentation at this second members meeting, a decision will be made and it will be determined if you are accepted as a new member into the club.

5. If you are voted in as a new member at this second members meeting, payment is required.  We accept cash, check, or money order.  NO CARDS.  There will be a $25.00 fee for any returned checks or declined money orders.

6. If you have any questions about this process or any other general questions about EMSC, please come to a members meeting at the clubhouse at 7 PM on the last Wednesday of the month to speak with an officer or use the form below to send us an email correspondence.



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