Members Duties and Obligations >>
1) New members will be on a twelve (12) month probation period and the member’s sponsor will be responsible for the new member throughout said probation period.
2) A new member who is serving their twelve (12) month probation may not sponsor a new applicant for membership until their probation period has expired.
3) Attend at least three (3) regular members meetings during the membership year.
4) A work program is offered to all members to allow them to reduce the yearly dues by volunteering to help out with committees, events or general maintenance work parties throughout the year. Please see the Membership Information page for more information.
5) Sign up for a work committee with the person who is in charge of that committee, and indicate a willingness to perform a significant amount of labor. (Physical or otherwise.)
6) A member is responsible for the conduct of their family or guests while using club facilities or at a club event. (Only members are permitted to use the ranges. Guests must be spectators UNLESS they are participating in an “open to the public” event.
7) The club is a private facility. Make certain that the main gate automatically closes completely when entering or leaving club grounds.
8) Obey and abide by the By-Laws and General Rules. (Rules are posted at all facilities on club grounds and on this website, see below.)
9) A member must pay current dues prior to December 31, the expiration date of the previous year’s dues. A grace period of one (1) month will be granted until January 31. There will be a late dues penalty fee charged after December 31. All dues must be submitted by January 31.
General Rules of the East Monongahela Sportsmen's Club >>
Club Grounds
Club grounds are open to valid members 365 days a year, between daybreak until dusk, unless there is an activity in progress.
The main gate is to be locked when entering and exiting the club grounds, unless locked open by an officer. Please make certain that the gate closes behind you when entering and exiting the club grounds.
Club members who bring a guest to the club are solely responsible for that guest’s actions. (Reminder, guests are not able to use the firing ranges and must be “spectators” only.)
No hunting, trapping, or killing of any wild animals or game on the club grounds. (Muskrats may be trapped at the lake with prior permission). If you are going to hunt on land adjacent to the club property, you are not permitted to park on club grounds or club right of ways .
No camping on club grounds without prior approval of the board of directors.
Running of hunting dogs is permitted on club grounds as long as the dog or dogs are under control of the owner. The owner will be held responsible for any damages or mess that any dog incurs. Any dog unattended on club grounds must be on a leash and anchored. No dogs in clubhouse during an event.
Cutting of any live trees is prohibited.
No dumping or littering on club grounds. THIS INCLUDES CIGARETTE BUTTS!
Taking or damaging any club property will result in immediate prosecution and expulsion.
No off road vehicles permitted on club grounds, unless approved by board of directors.
Speed limit on club grounds is 15 M.P.H.
No off road driving of personal vehicles on club grounds.
Firearms are to be discharged at their designated ranges ONLY !
Insubordination to any club officer/officers will result in ejection from the club grounds by an officer of the State or Local police departments.
All members must display their valid membership card at all times while on club grounds.
If a member witnesses any non member or suspicious act while on club grounds, report it at once to a club officer or contact the local Police Department.
Large Bore Range (up to 300 yards) Any caliber firearm permitted. Eye and ear protection is mandatory.
Small Bore Range (up to 100 yards) Any caliber handgun (straight wall cases only) or rim-fire rifle only. Eye and ear protection is mandatory on the firing line.
Firearms loaded and fired from range toward backboards only!!
No cross firing on the ranges.
Keep muzzles pointed in a safe direction!
Keep action open and unloaded until ready to fire.
Keep finger off of the trigger until ready to fire.
During any cease fire or target change, unload firearms and keep action open.
Firearms and ammunition must be compatible.
Be certain of your target and beyond.
Be aware of any unsafe conditions and rule violations.
Sign in and out of the ranges.
Targets are not to be tacked to backboard framing.
Paper targets only! Shooting at glass bottles, cans, and other trash will not be tolerated.
Rapid fire (auto and semi automatic) is prohibited. One shot every five (5) seconds is the maximum permitted.
All firing must cease and firearms unloaded when range warning system is activated (red strobe lights on) during changing of targets.
Loaded firearms are not to be left unattended!
Shooting permitted during daylight hours ONLY!! No artificial light may be cast on ranges so as to continue shooting after dark.
Children under eighteen (18) must be accompanied and supervised by an adult member.
Children that are not involved in shooting events are not permitted in the range area or in the vicinity of shooters or their equipment.
Take down used targets and dispose of any refuse properly. Police all spent brass!!
No vehicles permitted on grass areas or ranges. (Maintenance only)
Intoxicated shooters and/or consuming of any intoxicants at ranges will not be tolerated.
Members must have their membership cards displayed at all times.
Please read and abide by all special posted rules.
PRACTICE SAFETY AT ALL TIMES!!!!!! Eye and ear protection is mandatory.
NO GUESTS PERMITTED TO FISH AT LAKE, unless specified in a special club event.
Fishing is for members, their spouses, and their children only.
Members’ children who reach the age of 18 must join the club as a regular member if they wish to fish or use other club facilities.
Members must have membership card displayed at all times.
P.A. Fish Commission rules apply at all times, except in the case of club rules and regulations.
P.A. fishing license required and must be displayed at all times when fishing. (State law)
Lake is open from 8:00 AM opening day in April until the closing date established by the PA. Fish Commission. Fishing will be permitted from daybreak until dusk. From then on.
One rod and one hook ONLY per person! Multiple hook lures are permitted.
Catching of two (2) Trout ends members fishing day! Watch for special posted regulations!
Catfish and bass are CATCH AND RELEASE ONLY.
Individual stringers or creels are required for anyone, including family members.
Fish that have swallowed a hook and are bleeding must be kept. The same two fish caught limit applies.
Children under 18 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult member.
No Bow fishing permitted at any time.
No ice fishing.
Trapping in the lake for muskrats in season is permitted with permission from the board of directors.
Trap Range
Shotguns only – 12 gauge and under.
Shot shell ammunition only/low brass or trap load, no larger than #7 ½ shot.
Eye and ear protection mandatory at all times.
Shotguns to be pointed in direction of the trap house at all times.
Guns in gun racks must be UNLOADED!!!
Children under 18 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult member.
Children not involved in shooting events are not permitted on the trap field or in the vicinity of shooters and equipment at any time.
When using a hand trap or Trius, clay targets must be shot at from the designated range.
Be sure that clay targets are thrown and shot at directly out in front of the #1 trap-house, located on the left side of the range.
Shooting at bottles, cans, and other unsuitable targets will not be tolerated.
Membership cards must be displayed at all times.
Intoxicants or intoxicated individuals are not permitted on the range at any time.
No vehicles permitted on or near the trap range. (Maintenance only)
Dispose of all spent shells and trash properly.
Please read and abide by all special posted rules.
Bow type apparatuses ONLY.
Paper and balloon targets only.
Broad heads are only permitted on designated targets.
No crowding on the range.
Intoxicants or intoxicated individuals are not permitted on the range at any time.
Children under 18 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult member.
Range will be open during daylight hours and scheduled archery shoots.
Archery practice range will be closed during scheduled trap shoots or events at clubhouse. (Check Posted Regulations)
Membership cards must be displayed at all times.
Dispose of all broken materials and trash properly.
Please read and abide by all special posted rules.