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East Monongahela Sportsmen's Club is a 100% NRA-enrolled, members-only club

that promotes recreational shooting and fishing.

EMSC Members both young and old enjoy year-round shooting at an up-to-300 yard rifle range, at our multiple position pistol range, and Fishing at a stocked lake.  Our grounds also include a 3D Archery course, and a Trap range.  3D Archery and Trap Shooting are "Open to the Public" events only.  The archery practice range is always available, and using your own clay's shooter you are permitted to use the trap range.  (No driving of vehicles on the Trap area grass.)

You can join or renew with the NRA by following this link.


The USA International Sportsmen’s Show, RV & Boat Show, February 14th-16th

will be here and gone soon.

This link will open a flyer that can save you a couple of dollars in admission fees.

The 2025 schedule for the Long Gong Events along with some other information for the upcoming Long Gong Events can be found here.

The schedule for the Winter Trap League has been reset.

It will now start on Thursday February 6, 2025 and run for 11 weeks with an additional make up week where you can pay to lose your lowest score.  The change was made because of the unusually cold weather.  You can still sign up at any of the upcoming trap shoots right up to and including the February 6, 2025 trap shoot.  There is a $50 league fee with a fun shoot at the end of the league run.  You can also sign up by using the Contact Form on this website.

As a cost cutting measure, we have eliminated the clubhouse telephone.  It was no longer used with almost everyone using cell phones.  There is a phone number posted at the gate for gate issues.  Please DO NOT use this number for general everyday questions.  Please use the Contact Form found on the

Contact Page for general questions. 

We started membership renewals on October 1, 2024.  Current members, please remember that renewal information will be arriving via E-Mail with a link to the renewal form.  CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER!  Blank forms will also be posted at the Rifle and Pistol ranges starting October 1, 2024.

If the blank renewal form holder at either range is empty, please check the opposite range for blank renewal forms.  You can always use the Contact form on the Contact web page to request a renewal form.  Because the December meeting was cancelled, we will be waiving the $10 late fee for renewals until February 1, 2025.  There is still plenty of time to renew your club membership for 2025.

Entrance Gate:

Spring, summer, and even winter storms can disrupt electricity at the gate and the club in general.

The gate is on a different line from West Penn Power than the rest of the club.  Please listen for beeps and LED indication when you enter your gate number to let you know that the gate has electricity.

Please do not try to fix it yourself if you think that there is a problem with the gate.  There is a phone number posted at the gate to use for gate emergencies.

​And please remember to WAIT until the gate closes completely after entering and leaving through the gate.


Please remember to refresh your browser so that updates to the website will appear.

Check your E-Mail spam folder because sometimes E-Mails from the club will mistakenly be sent there.

Monthly Meetings:

The next members meeting will be

Wednesday February 26, 2025 at 7:30 PM.

You can pick up your membership cards at a monthly meeting or Thursday evenings during a Trap Shoot.

If there is something that you would like to see the club do you can bring it up at one of these meetings.

Ideas are welcome.

New Membership:

"Applicant must fill out proper application and submit it to the Secretary or the highest ranking officer at a regular monthly meeting.  Prospective applicant upon filling out membership application will be placed on the waiting list. Application must be signed by a sponsor who is a member in good standing and have two (2) references and their phone numbers on it.

Prospective member must present himself, along with a sponsor at a regular monthly meeting and must be voted in by a 2/3 majority at the following regular monthly meeting, except when waived by the Board of Directors.  Prospective member must provide proof of NRA membership by presenting their current NRA membership card.

Prospective member must submit application before being voted on at the next regular monthly meeting.  Initiation fee and yearly dues to be collected after being voted in.  Any dues paid by new members after October 1st of any year, are considered paid for following year."

The application form can be found here.

If your are just interested in membership cost, you can find that information here.

Weekly Trap Shoot:

Trap Shoots are on Thursday nights at 7:00 PM.

Trap Shoots are open to the public.​

The cost is $5.00 per round that you participate in.

This is to help pay for the clay pigeons.

The November 27, 2025 and December 25, 2025 Trap Shoots are cancelled.


The kitchen is now open during Trap Shoots on Thursday evenings.  A wide array of hot foods, crunchy snacks, and soft beverages are available to purchase.

Follow me to the yummy menu!

Weekly Pistol Shoot:

Weekly pin shoots are held on

Mondays at 6:30 PM year-round.

5 shots per station, 1 shot at a time.

(Please arrive a few minutes early to sign up.)

Open sight straight wall pistol cartridge 9mm to 44 Magnum is what is permitted for these shoots.

Steel pins are being used so 1,000 fps or less.

The cost to participate is $6.00.  $2.50 goes towards the evening prize, $2.50 goes to the club, and $1.00 goes to tip the pin setter.  It also features a .22 Shoot, 25 rounds at small silhouettes.  If there is a National Holiday on Monday (a lot of them are) then the pistol shoot is canceled.

Pistol Shoot's are open to the public.

​​​​​Grass Cutting:

All of the grass cutting is NOW scheduled to be done every Thursday during the summer months weather permitting from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM.  This means that the ranges will be closed during this time.  If rain is predicted for a Thursday the grass cutting may take place on Friday.  Members who want to help cut the grass ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!  The quicker that it it gets done the quicker that the ranges open back up.

Range Sign In Sheets:

It has come to our attention that some members are not using the Sign in Sheets at the ranges.  Failure to do so will result in members being banned from the club.

Membership to the NRA:

It has come to our attention that some club members are NOT renewing their membership to the NRA.  If your membership to the NRA has expired or is due to expire, you will be receiving an email from us reminding you to rejoin.

You can renew or join online by following this link.

From the EMSC application for membership:



On the Pistol Range, please try to shoot into the Gravel Bunkers instead of hitting the grass.  The Gravel Bunkers to the right of Rifle Range are to be reserved for the NRA Silhouette Shoots that take place every third Saturday during the summer months.

The Gravel Road going out to the rifle targets was made possible in part via a Grant that the club received from the NRA.  When looking at the sliding pictures above, the newest pictures appear first followed by the older ones.  You can see what the ranges looked like before and after all of the recent improvements. 

Outside of the Club Interests:

Washington County 2025 Gun Shows

Allegheny County Sportsmen's League:

Klint Macro Editorial in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette

The ACSL turned 100 years old.

History of the ACSL.

Women's Day



The flagpole was repaired and put back in place.  A solar light was added to illuminate the flag at night.

New toilets were installed in the bathrooms.

The broken upright freezer was removed and a new freezer was purchased and installed.

The back porch railing and bulkhead were sealed and painted.  Hopefully keeping the wood bees out.

The back porch benches were painted.


A second scoring stand was built.

Solar lights were installed at the entrances to the trap houses.

Pistol Range:

Routine up-keep.

Rifle Range:

The wooden benches were painted.

For 2025:

We had some increase in club member participation for 2024 and we would like to see this increase continue into the New Year.

Continued daily, weekly, monthly, upkeep and maintenance of the entire club continues to be a challenge.



Last Wednesday of each month - Monthly Member Meeting @ 7:30 PM.  Unless it falls on a holiday.


Weekly 30yd Pistol shoot:

Weekly pin shoots are held on

Mondays at 6:30 PM year-round.

5 shots per station, 1 shot at a time.

(Please arrive a few minutes early to sign up.)

Open sight straight wall pistol cartridge 9mm to 44 Magnum is what is permitted for these shoots.

Steel pins are being used so 1,000 fps or less.

The cost to participate is $6.00.  $2.50 goes towards the evening prize, $2.50 goes to the club, and $1.00 goes to tip the pin setter.  It also features a .22 Shoot, 25 rounds at small silhouettes.  If there is a National Holiday on Monday (a lot of them are) then the pistol shoot is canceled.

These shoots are open to the public.

Weekly Trap Shoot:

Trap Shoots are on Thursday nights at 7:00 PM.

Trap Shoots are OPEN to the public.​

The cost is $5.00 per round that you participate in.

This is to help pay for the clay pigeons.

These shoots are open to the public.

The November 27, 2025 and December 25, 2025 Trap Shoots are cancelled.

2024 Youth Fishing Day:

The 2024 Youth Fishing Day was held on Saturday May 4th, 2024 from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM.

The rain was spotty but everyone still had a good time.

34 children were in attendance.

Thank you to all who sponsored, attended, and helped make the 2024 Youth Fishing Day a great success!

.22 Precision Rifle Intro Day/Short Match:

Thank you to everyone who helped out with this shoot and participated in it.  The weather was great and everyone had a nice day of shooting a different type competition from what our club usually offers.

2024 NRA Silhouette Shoots:

Thank you to everyone who makes this event possible every summer.  From the many people who work this event and to the many participants.

2024 3D Archery Shoots:

The last shoot for 2024 had the most shooters out of any of our shoots for the year!  Thank you to all of the participants and to everyone who helped out!

3D Archery Shoot Challenge:

Thank you to everyone who helped out with this shoot and participated in it.  The weather was HOT but everyone had a good time.

22. BPCR Silhouette Shoot:

Thank you to all who participated and helped out with this shoot!  The weather was perfect and the food from our kitchen was excellent as ​always!  Everyone had a great time!

Sportsman's Challenge:

This years Sportsman's Challenge was another great time at the club!  Everyone enjoyed the day!  Thank you to all who helped with and participated in this event!

Women's Day:

The Women's Day was enjoyed by all who participated and helped out with this event.  Below are some pictures from this event.


22. BPCR Shoot



East Monongahela Sportsmen's Club

5717 Ella Hollow Road

Elizabeth, PA 15037

412-384-4747 (Not manned.)


© 2016-2025 East Monongahela Sportsmen's Club.

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